Accessible wellbeing for all.

Self-care isn't the same for everyone.

Self-Care is also more than an expression, something that takes a long time,

extra effort or costs lots of money.

Experiment alone, in groups or community.

Find your right ways and resources at

each step and stage of your journey.

Just have experiences and find what’s best for you.


Meditation for Mama & Baby: Finding Calm Together!

Embark on Relaxation Practice with Your Little One!

These skills cannot begin too early.

Ever wondered about meditating with your baby? Dive into the soothing world of baby-meditation bonding. Curious if meditation can be your shared sanctuary? Let's explore the magic together!

Should You and Your Baby Meditate? Absolutely!

Discover the real benefits of shared serenity. Uncover the wonders of calming meditation tailored for both you and your little babe. It's an experience you won't want to miss!

Totally new to Meditating? Or want to adapt to a baby led practice? Let's Begin!

Embrace this moment and find your peaceful rhythm. With guidance, even the smallest steps lead to profound tranquility.

A Mama Meditation Map: Tailored for You!

Finding your way back into meditation? Or just starting out? Seeking the perfect technique for this chapter of motherhood? Let's curate a practice that aligns with your unique path.

Embrace Change, Inner Balance, Daily Serenity, and Tailored Sessions - Your Path to Sustainable Mama Wellbeing Starts Here!

Lifetime Wellbeing

Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch

Mind + Body meditation

Movement meditations

Meditation for Mamas

21 Stages of Meditation

There is no one right way. Just try it out and find what works for you.

As a certified meditation instructor in various modalities and a lifelong practitioner, Julee has knowledge and skills to guide people towards their own meaningful practices.

She can easily guide you towards your powerful tools to experience profound peace, expanded awareness and calm that lies beyond the noisy and often energy zapping thoughts of the mind and our modern world happenings.

Sign up to be notified of the next meditation series offering.

Wanna get an invite to the next class? Complete the form at the bottom of this page and we’ll be in touch.

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Past Event:

Explore YOUR best approach to parenting.

Cherish this time.

Eat. Well. Speak Well. Sleep Well. Move Well. Digest Well. Be Well.

Connect with Julee.

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Online and in person offerings.